Now enrolling infants through Pre-K with limited space available. Schedule a tour today to get started!

Our Pre-K classes are filled with fun, hands-on activities and lessons for your child to develop a more complex understanding of God, themselves, and the world around them. They will experiment, problem-solve, analyze, read, and record as they prepare for a seamless transition to Kindergarten.
Early Learning Goals
Technology & Engineering
Your budding scientist will make more complex observations, ask questions, and predict outcomes. They will explore and describe properties of many things, learning how parts of a whole fit together and interact with both living and nonliving objects.
Your child has a growing understanding that print carries meaning and will begin to associate letters with their sounds. They will recognize rhyming words, retell stories, and answer questions about key details in a text. Their writing skills will evolve as they begin to form letters and learn to write their name.
Creativity abounds as your child draws, paints, and sculpts to express ideas. They follow the rhythm of songs through movement, singing, and playing simple instructions.
Social & Emotional Wellbeing
Your child will enter Kindergarten with an undersatnding of community, roles, and responsibilties. They will recognize daily routines and sequences of events as well as identify and describe positions of objects. They will have a greater ability to self-regulate, express emotions, and resolve conflict.
Before kindergarten, your child will be counting to 20, recognizing quantities, and solving simple addition and subtraction problems using objects or fingers. They will recognize, create, and extend patterns.
Physical Development
Your little athlete will demonstrate balance, coordination, and control by running, jumping, hopping, and climbing. Fine motor skills will improve as your child uses tools like scissors, pencils, and paintbrushes with increasing precision. They will maintain a healthy body by following basic routines for hygiene, nutrition, and movement.