Now enrolling infants through Pre-K with limited space available. Schedule a tour today to get started!
Early Learning Goals
Technology & Engineering
Preschoolers are fascinated with weather and observing living things in their environment. As their attention and ability to focus increases, they become more skilled with simple tools and solving problems through trial and error.
Children recognize and name letters of the alphabet, and will attempt to write letters or words, often starting with their name! They can properly handle books and will retell stories using pictures and prompts. They will begin to understand and procuding simple rhyming words.
Your child will continue to experiment with a variety of art media and surfaces, sing and dance along with music, and engage in dramatic play to express their growing creativity. They will begin expressing ideas through drawing or constructing blocks.
Social & Emotional Wellbeing
Your child's friendships will be flourishing as they learn to share, take turns, and resolve conflict using words. They will practice indpendence in tasks like dressing and cleaning up, and will cooperate with peers in dramatic play.
Children will recognize numbers 1-10 and count to 20. They will compare quantities using words like more, less, and equal and will compare positions using words like in, on, and next to. They will identify and describe basic shapes.
Physical Development
Your child will demonstrate control of larger muscles by running, jumping, and climbing, while developing fine motor skills for tasks like cutting, stringing beads, and writing. They'll show increasing coordination for self-care tasks like washing hands and using utensils.